Thursday, November 6, 2008

Christmas Tags, and other tags using the Holiday Blitz stamp set.

Monday, October 27, 2008

bad design
I thought this was funny.

On campus, the Eccles Broadcast Center is a large glass building in the middle of the Utah golf course.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

military and technology

I think it's so interesting to think of all of the things in the private world that have been influenced by technology. The article we read talks about how WW2 was really the catalyst for instructional video which in turn changed instructional design.

Disposable razors were created during a war also. They found that the gas masks fitted more snugly on a clean shaven face. Thus, disposable razors were created to be included in the soldiers' hygeine kits.


I had no idea there were so many different types of video. It was interesting to learn more about it. I finally have a better understanding of what my husband does at his job.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ADDIE Project

I really enjoyed doing our project. I thought it was really interesting to go through the process of defining our audience, being specific about our goal, and detailing the steps. I'm excited start working on our final project.

Monday, September 8, 2008


The ADDIE process makes me think of the research method.

ADDIE /Research Method
Analysis /What is the question?
Design/ What are the variables?
Development /Hypothesis
Implementation /Design and complete the study
Evaluation Results/Statistics

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Instructional Design and Educational Technology: Defining the Field

I think technology is anything that has to do with electronics.

I'm still not entirely sure what an "instructional designer" does.

When people ask me what I'm learning and what I'm going to do with this endorsement, I tell them I'm not quite sure, but I figured if I was taking more classes I should structure it to get something out of it.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Back in School

Those who know me just laugh when I tell them I'm taking classses again. This time it's not for a degree and it's only 3. I am working on an Educational Technology Endorsement. I have 2 classes this fall and I'll have one more in the spring. If I can get 20 hours of college credit I get a lane change (more money), so I thought why not structure those 20 hours and get something out of it. I thought about another master's, and still might in the future, but this was faster and easier and less expensive. So, here I am. Back in school.